
New Families

你女儿正式成为鲍德温家的姑娘了! What's next?




  • Medical Forms

    Baldwin will use Magnus Health for the 2024-25 school year to collect and store your student’s health and medical information in a secure way. 因为这是一个基于网络的系统, you will have continuous access to your child’s health record as well as the ability to make updates when needed. 你也可以选择在你的孩子毕业后访问这个账户.
    We ask that you enter the health information required within your family’s Magnus Health account for each child attending Baldwin no later than Friday, August 2. Timely submission of health information and other forms is vital so that preparations can be made prior to the first day of school. You will receive email reminders as long as there are outstanding items in your account. 
    七月开始, you will receive reminder emails from Magnus Health notifying you that you must take action with your daughter’s online Student Medical Record (SMR). Emails are sent if you have an incomplete or soon-to-expire existing requirement for your daughter. Simply login to your SMR and you will find items marked with a “To Do” flag if you need to take action.  
    要访问您的Magnus Health SMR帐户:
    Log into the 家长门户 导航到参考资料,点击Magnus Health Link OR use your username and password to login to the Magnus Health app on your phone.
    For new families or to reset your username and password, please follow the steps below:
    1.     Log into the 家长门户 导航到参考资料,点击Magnus Health Link.
    2.     将鼠标悬停在Magnus中的名字上(屏幕左上角). 
    3.     选择“更改凭据”." 
    4.     创建一个只有你知道并会记住的用户名和密码. 此用户名/密码组合将仅用作您的移动应用程序登录.
    5.     访问手机上的应用程序商店并下载Magnus Health应用程序.
    6.     使用您创建的用户名和密码登录到应用程序.
    使用Magnus Health的问题?
    If you have any questions about the health information that is required or your daughter’s health record, 请与鲍德温健康团队的成员联系 如果你在导航马格努斯系统时有困难, entering data online or downloading the hard copy cover sheets and forms or other questions related to using the Magnus system, please contact customer support at Magnus Health SMR by phone at (877) 461-6831 or by email at 
    Magnus Health致力于保密, 个人信息的完整性和安全性, and adheres to the highest standards in security in order to keep your daughter’s data private and secure at all times. 您可以通过阅读 Magnus隐私政策 or 马格努斯隐私 & Security overview.

    十大外围app所需信息的问题? Contact Kerrie Snead负责健康和保健的助理体育主任.
  • 校服

    请浏览十大外围app的 网上学校商店. 所有订单将于8月开始提货或发货. 尺寸指南与每个项目一起列出,也可以访问 在这里买束腰上衣 and 这里是苏格兰短裙. 除了束腰外衣和苏格兰短裙,商店里的衣服都是可选的. 任何由Land's End制作的物品都可以直接从他们的网站上购买. 如果你没有看到你需要的尺寸,想现在购买, 请点击该项目提供的链接,直接从Land's End订购. 更多细节将在夏季公布. 

    如有任何问题,请电邮至学校商店经理 克里斯蒂娜·福勒斯特.
    • 罩衫的尺码往往较大(学前-五年级)
    • 方格裙是高腰的,请按您的自然腰围量(6 - 12年级)
    • 尺寸指南与每个项目一起列出,也可以访问 在这里买束腰上衣 and 这里是苏格兰短裙 
    • 为了您的方便, 鲍德温牌polo衫, shorts, 打底裤和其他物品也可通过 LandsEnd (首选学校编号:900079591)
    • 有关制服政策的详情,请浏览 新家长手册
  • MacBook 1:1课程(6-12年级)

    欢迎加入鲍德温1:1 MacBook租赁计划, an initiative that provides an optional MacBook rental for students and families in grades 6-12. 所有6-12年级的学生都必须拥有一台个人MacBook笔记本电脑, 因为这是一个重要的工具交付十大外围app的学术课程. 十大外围app知道,可能不是每个学生都有自己的笔记本电脑, 十大外围app很高兴能够提供这种租赁选择. This rental program is open to currently enrolled students for the academic year 2024-25.  
    为希望为学生购买自己的MacBook设备的家庭, 通过苹果商店可以找到很多选择, 苹果在线教育商店,苹果翻新在线,百思买等. 苹果公司通常在每年夏天(7月至9月)提供“返校”促销活动 & September). 如果您为您的学生购买自己的MacBook设备, 十大外围app要求它安装了最新的软件(OS)系统, 最低要求是Mac OS Sonoma 14.2024-25学年为3人. 操作系统软件更新在Mac App Store是免费的. 
    If you choose to enroll in the Baldwin 1:1 MacBook Rental Program for the 2024-25 academic year, 费用是325美元. 租金包括一台MacBook笔记本电脑、一个充电器和一个保护套. Rental laptops will be available for pickup during the week prior to the start of school, 它们必须在六月归还, 在学年结束时. 请阅读笔记本电脑协议,张贴 here. 一旦决定,请在 this link by 7月19日星期五. 晚注册者不能保证收到设备. Please expect to receive further communication from our Business Office regarding your payment in August. 如果您对付款过程有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件 特蕾莎修女DeFruscio. 取货前需付款.
    如果您对这个项目有更多的问题,请发电子邮件到 技术团队
  • 运输

    2024-25年度运输表格现已在 家长门户. You will see a yellow bar at the top of the page once you are logged in indicating there is a form to review. 所有公立学区都要求提供这些信息. 请填妥此运输表格 5月17日星期五.

    School Bus

    Many families are pleased to discover that their local school district will provide busing services for their daughters. 以下是学区及其要求的列表.

    Colonial (幼稚园及以上)
    Great Valley (9月1日前年满5岁)
    Haverford (9月1日前年满5岁)
    Lower Merion (幼稚园及以上)
    Marple Newton (一级及以上)
    Methacton (幼稚园及以上)
    Norristown (幼稚园至四年级)
    Philadelphia (一至八年级)
    Radnor (幼稚园及以上)
    Rosetree /媒体 (幼稚园及以上)
    东南德科 (幼稚园及以上)
    Springfield (一级及以上)
    Tredyffrin / Easttown (幼稚园及以上)
    Upper Darby (幼稚园及以上)
    Upper Merion (9月1日前年满5岁)
    瓦林福德/斯沃斯莫尔 (幼稚园及以上):
    William Penn (幼稚园及以上)
    Wissahickon (幼稚园及以上)



    鼓励居住在费城中心城区的家庭使用“珍贵货物”, 私人面包车服务, 方便往返鲍德温的交通. 
    已登记的家庭可致电(215)480-0800或与Amelia Fogarino联系 了解更多信息.

    The Baldwin School is conveniently located just one block from SEPTA’s Bryn Mawr train station, 从保利桑代尔到费城. 鲍德温也可以乘坐SEPTA 105路公交车到达, 提供从上达比的第69街车站到阿德莫尔和保利的服务. 公共汽车停在兰开斯特大道和布林茅尔大道的拐角处, 走三个街区到鲍德温校区. 查找时间表请访问 所有费城9-12年级的学生都可以乘坐公交. 
  • 位置测试

    Students entering Grades 6-11 will be asked to sit for a Placement Assessment to best assist with course planning. We will ask that all students take a math assessment and those currently taking a foreign language (French, Spanish, (或拉丁语)希望继续学习该语言的人将参加语言评估.

    Math placement testing for new students will occur during New Parent Orientation on Tuesday, 5月14日上午9点开始. If your daughter is unable to join us on this date, or you enroll after May 14, please email 亚历克斯Colagreco.
    语言评估将通过谷歌课堂进行. Please be on the lookout for an email from the Admissions Team with instructions on how to log in and take the assessment. 
  • 暑期阅读/作业

    Required summer work (Grades 5 - 12) and suggested reading and math work (Pre-K - 4) will be available on 父门户 in July. 请登录 家长门户 点击参考资料. Please check your child's grade so your student will have continuity over the summer and stay engaged in the learning process.
  • 订购的书

    You will receive course information during your meeting with your daughter's Division Director. Textbook purchasing information for Middle and Upper School students for the 2024-25 school year will be available after your daughter’s fall schedule has been confirmed (please be sure your daughter’s fall schedule has been confirmed before purchasing books). 请登录 家长门户 点击参考资料. The course information will list textbooks for each class with some suggestions for places to purchase each book.
  • 私人音乐课程


    鲍德温音乐学院每周提供声音方面的私人指导, strings, woodwinds, 打击乐器与钢琴. Lessons will be given before, during, and after the school day for the 2024-25 school year.

    Questions?  Contact 
    Oxana Harlamova
  • 食堂服务

    将建立帐户 在结束时 summer. 更多信息如下. 
  • 学费

    鲍德温与Blackbaud学费管理(正式名称为Smart学费)合作, 第三方供应商支持十大外围app的学费支付系统. 要了解更多十大外围app学费的信息,请访问 提供鲍德温

    十大外围app智能学费的问题,请十大外围app的高级职员会计, 特蕾莎修女DeFruscio.


高中体育开始星期一,8月19日. 点击这里了解更多信息. 查看球队队长,花名册和时间表,请 click here.

中学Lewars学术季前迎新计划 8月20日星期二- 8月22日星期四上午9点.m. - 12 p.m. 点击这里了解更多信息. 
高中Lewars学术季前迎新计划 ——8月21日(星期三)上午9点.m. - 12 p.m. (所有美国新生)和8月22日星期四上午9点.m. - 1 p.m. (所有美国新生和所有九年级学生). 点击这里了解更多信息. 
8月22日星期四上午9点至10点.m. 在创新中心. All Grade 9 parents and other parents new to Baldwin's Upper School are invited to join other class parents for coffee and conversation.

9月4日,星期三,上午8:15.m. - 9:30 a.m. 在创新中心. 所有新来的鲍德温父母,所有部门,都被邀请来喝咖啡和聊天. 
